More than software - a strong relationship with the patient.


Scientifically sound

Not all HRV is the same. In science and practice, there are other requirements that must be considered when measuring heart rate variability. The VNS analysis accurately measures ECG recommended HRV parameters that are practical and relevant to practice and includes normal values and risk cut off values from meta-analyses. In order for you as a user to have the certainty that the VNS analysis produces valid and reliable values, the VNS analysis is regularly compared with the HRV software used in science.

All in one app

Heart rate variability

VNS analysis measures all parameters of heart rate variability and autonomic nervous system relevant to practice. The evaluation is divided into HRV and VNS parameters.


With the integrated cardiorespiratory biofeedback, the parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated and reserves can be visualized. The patient can be shown the impressive effect of breathing exercises in the before and after comparison

Progress control

With the integrated cardiorespiratory biofeedback, the parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated and reserves can be visualized. The patient can be shown the impressive effect of breathing exercises in the before and after comparison

Service & Support

Support function integrated

The integrated support function makes it easy for you to contact us if you have questions about measurement results. The measurement can be sent to us anonymously by email with a tap of the finger. As a rule, you will receive a response within 24 hours.

Non-binding demonstration in your practice

Are you interested in learning about VNS analysis in your practice? We would be happy to make an appointment for a free, no-obligation demonstration.

Continuing education and training

We regularly offer advanced training and continuing education throughout Germany. In addition to the basic knowledge of heart rate variability, you will learn the possible applications and the interpretation of the measurement results using case studies from practice.

Advantages of VNS analysis


VNS Analysis Professional includes the recommended and practically relevant HRV and VNS parameters and meets all scientific criteria that must be taken into account when measuring heart rate variability.

In order to give you, the user, the greatest possible certainty that the VNS analysis provides valid and reliable values, the VNS analysis is regularly compared with the Kubios HRV scientific software.

If you would like to learn about VNS analysis in your practice, we would be happy to arrange a free, no-obligation demonstration at your practice. We will also be happy to send you detailed information in advance by mail or email.

In this video you can get a first impression of the operation and the functions of the VNS analysis.


Here you can see an example of a progression over several years.
With the VNS analysis you can compare an unlimited number of measurements. You can select at any time which parameters should be included in the comparison to ensure the best possible overview.


In the following video we will show you the automatic correction function of VNS Analysis and the importance of data quality.

HRV is measured in the VNS analysis by means of chest wall derivation with an accuracy of 1 millisecond.
Technical artifacts and rhythm disturbances are clearly distinguishable in HRV recording.
In this context, we thank the German Heart Center in Munich, which performed a comparison with the chest wall leads and ECG systems used by the VNS analysis.


  • Meets all scientific criteria for determining heart rate variability (HRV) and the autonomic nervous system (VNS), (see white paper)
  • Contains all relevant and validated parameters for the determination of HRV and VNS in private practice
  • is the only system that contains validated norm values for adults from worldwide literature *
  • is the only system that contains validated child standard values (see example below)*.
  • has an ECG accurate derivation of 1 ms
  • does not require cables
  • requires little space (table for iPad and chair for patient)
  • has integrated cardiovagal biofeedback (VNS Analysis Professional)
  • has a reliable fully automatic correction function (see white paper) with indication of possible arrhythmias
  • contains the risk parameter alpha 1 (DFA 1), which determines the interaction of the individual control systems and thus indicates the quality of the regulation
  • Gives an immediate evaluation of the measurement for a quick discussion
  • is quick and easy to interpret
  • Is completely delegable
  • has a patient-friendly display with pulse, tension and relaxation
  • enables quick change from patient to therapist view with all parameters

What must an HRV measurement system be able to do?

To be able to answer this question, the question of what I want to use it for must first be clarified.


  • Obtain a rapid assessment of autonomic regulation with sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems?
  • to make the parasympathetic reserves visible?
  • assess stress resilience?
  • to recognize a regulatory rigidity?
  • determine the HRV parameters?
  • to obtain a quick and objective therapy control?
  • Show the patient harmful effects of stress?

A good HRV system should be easy to use, preferably delegable and produce fast meaningful values.
We have developed our system with the leading scientists in the field of HRV and, on advice, we have limited ourselves to only a few parameters.
It would be possible to integrate a wealth of additional HRV measurement parameters into the VNS analysis, but the question arises whether more parameters also add value to the interpretation of heart rate variability.

The most important question to be answered by HRV measurement is: what is the patient’s autonomic regulation? How do the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems work?

We map the sympathetic nervous system by the Baevsky stress index (SI) and the parasympathetic nervous system by the RMSSD (root mean square of successive differences).
These parameters are calculated via the so-called time domain analysis, for which there have been uniform standards worldwide since 1996 and for which valid standard values have been developed through worldwide literature with several 10,000 test subjects.

There are other parameters that map the parasympathetic nervous system (e.g., High Frequency, PNN50, SD 1), but these parameters do not provide additional information to the RMSSD. The RMMSD represents the most stable parameter for the parasympathetic nervous system that is not susceptible to disturbances.
Therefore, in the VNS analysis, we use only the RMSSD for mapping the parasympathetic nervous system.

Breath timing

Breath pacing, or cardiorespiratory biofeedback, provides direct therapy and testing of the regulatory capacity of the autonomic nervous system.

The procedure is as follows:

In practice, VNS analysis is performed on the patient. If good regulation with active parasympathetic nervous system is shown, no further measurement is required.

However, if the measurement indicates a predominance of the sympathetic nervous system, the question is how much sympathicotonia has already manifested itself in the system.

To answer this question, a second measurement is performed directly after the first measurement under paced breathing. VNS Analysis Professional shows the patient when and how long to inhale and exhale. The ideal rate is 6 breath cycles per minute as described in the guidelines. In most patients, the 6 breathing rhythm results in the greatest stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system. However, the breathing rhythm can also be individually adjusted from 4 – 10 breathing cycles per minute.

Timed breathing should stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, increase variability, and slow down the activity of the sympathetic nervous system.

If the second measurement shows this improvement, the control and regulation is not yet permanently disturbed.

On the basis of the measurement result, the patient can see for himself what influence the respiratory therapy has on his ability to regulate.
The likelihood that the patient will continue to perform conscious breathing training (e.g., with Vagusvit) is greatly increased by visualization.

If there is little or no improvement in autonomic regulation as a result of breathing, it can be assumed that regulation is permanently disturbed or that the patient is already in a state of regulatory rigidity (see picture on the right).

Breathing as a sole therapy is not useful in this case.

VNS analysis for children

Stress is the greatest health threat of the 21st century, or so declares the World Health Organization. However, stress is not only an issue for adults, but is now increasingly occurring in children and adolescents.
Stress factors such as test anxiety, poor grades, the high performance requirements at school, everyday deadline pressure, but also conflicts in the family, arguments with friends or the pursuit of social recognition have negative effects on the organism.

Since vegetative regulation in children and adolescents differs from adults, sometimes considerably, the use of VNS analysis in children has been limited.

The VNS analysis is the first system in the world to integrate study-based child norm values after a multi-year discovery phase. The new update adds the age of 10 – 19 years to the already existing standard values of 20 – 80 years and now makes it possible to assess the autonomic nervous system in children and adolescents, to record their stress resilience as well as regeneration capacity and to interrupt the stress cycle in time.

To illustrate the importance of correct normal values in children and adults, the graphs below show the measurement of a 14-year-old girl. Fig. 1 shows the measurement with the adjusted standard values for 10 – 19 year olds and Fig. 2 with the previous normal values for adults, which the 14-year-old girl assessed as false positives. The urgent need for action is made clear by the adjusted children’s standard values.

The children’s standard values are integrated in the VNS Analysis Professional.

Get to know the new VNS Analysis Software now – arrange a no-obligation and free demonstration in your practice or request free information material.