MITOVIT® application at rest

MITOVIT® hypoxic training usually takes place in a relaxed situation while lying down.

The application is perceived as pleasant and leads many to relax and fall asleep during it. In contrast to the altitude training of athletes, there is usually no athletic activity during hypoxic training. To mimic the stimuli of physical exertion, MITOVIT® hypoxia training uses a more reduced oxygen concentration.

Safe, effective and delegable.

As a rule, altitude training of athletes takes place at an altitude of about 2,000 meters, which corresponds to an atmospheric oxygen of about 16%.
However, MITOVIT® hypoxic training at rest usually starts at 15% atmospheric oxygen. However, the majority of people require significantly less atmospheric oxygen (13%-11%) to achieve adequate training effects. Since each person reacts individually to hypoxic air, the exact oxygen requirement is determined in advance using a fully automatic hypoxia test.

The user then breathes in the low-oxygen air determined individually in the hypoxia test and oxygen-rich or normal air via a breathing mask at intervals. You can breathe normally during exercise and do not feel shortness of breath. During the session, the trainee can be left alone. As a rule, one session of hypoxic training lasts 40 minutes.

Just like in sports, the regeneration phases are important. That is why hypoxic training is recommended only every two days, so that the organism can recover accordingly.

MITOVIT® is the perfect training of your cells and autonomic nervous system.

MITOVIT® application during physical activity

As a rule, altitude training of athletes takes place at an altitude of about 2,000 meters, which corresponds to an atmospheric oxygen of about 16%.

Athletes who want to increase their performance and achieve the best possible results should perform hypoxic training during moderate physical exertion , for example on an ergometer.

Depending on your training condition, you should set the hypoxia with MITOVIT between 18% and 15% oxygen.

Experience MITOVIT®

Experience for yourself the excellent possibilities of this method

Get to know the method personally: we offer you the opportunity to test MITOVIT® yourself throughout Germany.

We will also be happy to advise you by telephone or send you detailed information by mail.

You can reach us by phone at +49 5346 912415 or by e-mail at