Nobel Prize in Medicine for Hypoxia Research
You too can benefit from the advantages of MITOVIT® hypoxic training

The altitude training used in professional sports - but simple and relaxed in a resting situation

In 2019, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to three scientists, William Kaelin, Gregg Semenza and Peter Ratcliffe. They have discovered molecular mechanisms that enable cells to measure oxygen levels and recognize when adaptive responses become necessary.
Especially hypoxia contributes to positive reactions that help the body to supply all organs and organ systems with sufficient oxygen.

Already in his publication in 2012, Gregg Semenza was able to document the influence of hypoxia on mitochondrial function and show that under hypoxic conditions, apoptosis of weakened mitochondria is accelerated and at the same time the formation of new mitochondria is stimulated.
You too can benefit from the many advantages of hypoxic training.


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Basically nothing new:

The altitude training

The use of hypoxia has been routine in sports medicine for decades under the term altitude training. The positive influence of the high-altitude climate has been known for centuries.In 1968, the Summer Olympics were held in Mexico City. With an altitude of 2240 meters, the venue was significantly higher than the other venues before. The preparations for these competitions gave impetus to the development of the first systematic altitude training methods. In addition, the great successes of long-distance runners from the highlands of Kenya and Ethiopia at low altitudes prompted them to look further into altitude training as preparation for competitions in the lowlands.

Further west, intermittent hypoxia as a method has only been in the focus of science for a good 20 years. But: It is developing very dynamically. Several hundred topic-related publications per year are a reflection of scientific interest.


Altitude training at rest or under load

MITOVIT® hypoxic training usually takes place in the practice in a relaxed situation while lying down.
The application is perceived as pleasant and leads many to relax and fall asleep during it. In contrast to the altitude training of athletes, there is usually no athletic activity during hypoxic training. To mimic the stimuli of physical exertion, MITOVIT® hypoxic training uses a more reduced oxygen concentration. As a rule, altitude training of athletes takes place at an altitude of about 2,000 meters, which corresponds to an atmospheric oxygen of about 16%.

Athletes who want to increase their performance and achieve the best possible results should perform hypoxic training with MITOVIT® during moderate physical exertion, for example on a bicycle or treadmill.


Our upcoming dates

Get to know the method personally: we offer appointments for hypoxic training, ANS Analysis and heart rate variability (HRV) throughout Germany. You will have the opportunity to test MITOVIT® yourself at the events to feel how it feels to breathe less oxygen.

If you are interested, please contact.
By phone at 05346 912415 or by e-mail at

MITOVIT® controls oxygen in biofeedback mode to achieve optimal results, with the utmost safety for the user. Manual adjustment of the settings is therefore no longer necessary.

Made in Germany

Modern, simple and safe

The MITOVIT® Interval Hypoxic Training is one of the most advanced altitude training devices on the market.
It is easy to use, allows quick visual control of the workout and provides you with integrated real-time HRV measurement with parasympathetic activity display.

MITOVIT® offers you, in addition to the two well-known training types hypoxia/normoxia (IHT) and hypoxia/hyperoxia (IHHT), a world novelty that makes hypoxic training even more efficient – adaptive hyperoxia.

And it’s all Made in Germany.

What MITOVIT® offers you

The advantages

  • Interval Hypoxia Normoxia – IHT
  • Interval Hypoxia Hyperoxia – IHHT
  • Adaptive hyperoxia for best results
  • Integrated real-time HRV
  • Optimal noise insulation
  • Biofeedback controlled training
  • no wifi required
  • Highest safety for the user
  • minimized time commitment for the staff and…
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